I will start off with some current stars:

I picked up a good beginning of a Yoenis Cespedes page, and seeing as I had zero of his cards set aside for such a thing, six is a very good start indeed. Keeping with the Cuban flavor, that is my first keeper Yasiel Puig as all the others I have pulled have gone out to greener, bluer pastures. Jose Fernandez is also from Cuba, Giancarlo Stanton, alas, is not.
How about some faux-vintage Hall of Famers?

I go a little crazy when I find these kinds of players in dime boxes. Plus, these are some great looking cards. That Bench GQ Collisions card is just magnificent. That Frank Robinson is not only a picture I have never seen before, but the kind of photo you don't often see on cards at all. And somehow that Tony Gwynn wandered in on this group but seeing how he just passed, I will let it pass.
These are 2010 Topps Vintage Legends cards:

This is yet another one of those insert sets that shows how infuriating Topps can be. They used some great old timey players on Topps designs they weren't originally shown on - a very good idea. They also picked some photos they hadn't reused over and over again - also good. But the usual 5% failure on their part shows in font choices and incorrect colors - the kind of thing that would take but a minute to fix. I am sure I am not the only one to rail about these inserts but since they are new to me, I am railing anyway. Still, this will make for a great page.
Here are some more faux-vintage:

That Vlad Guerrero Post card did not scan well but trust me, the chrome parallel makes it look all shiny and so different but not from the originals. Alas, those are just reprints of the Robbie traded and McCovey Washington error, but since I don't own either of these cards anymore, I will enjoy them all the same. I like the simplicity of those UD Origins cards so I am gonna track down 6 more and make a page. I have wanted that Vida Blue card since I saw it on another blog last year and now I have it, for a nice thin dime.
Did I pick up any real vintage? Why yes I did...

I nabbed that '67 Jim Wynn and '66 Hoyt Wilhelm for a buck a piece. Seeing how the Wynn is a semi high and the Wilhelm is a high number, that is quite a deal. The Fred Whitfield and Charlie Smith are welcome additions to my slowly dwindling All Star Rookie needs - also just a dollar each. The other three cards are from reprint sets, but I am a rookie cup completist, so they had to come home with me.
I really like these 1993 Upper Deck Iooss Collection cards. They are the height of minimalist design and the photos are incredible. Not only am I gonna make a page, I might build the whole set.

The other five surrounding those cards are some nifty retired star pick ups. I always forget Carlos Delgado came up as a catcher until I see one of his rookie cards.
Out of the almost 500 cards I picked up (don't worry, I am not going to show all of them) I bought exactly one (1) Gary Carter card. Bizarre.

I am pretty sure I don't have any of those Mike Piazza cards - I also picked up one of his cousin, who has decided to go by the same name - this strategy didn't work for Edgard Clemente either. The Frank Thomas No Name On Front card you see there is from the Cards Your Mother Threw Out insert set from a couple years back. I wonder if anyone's mom actually threw one of those out considering at the time they were a big deal and worth about $2,000 even back then?
Some more favorite players:

A six pack of Reggie Jacksons - Reggie seems to have gotten a lot of my love on this blog lately, huh? I picked up two odd Jeff Bagwell cards, one with rainbow action and the other where he seems to be hitting the Space Shuttle. I have never seen this card before but it may quickly become an oddball favorite. I mean, look at it! How wonderfully ridiculous.
Wait, did I not buy any Mets cards? Of course I did...

That David Wright refractor on the top was bought for a dime. I will grab almost any refractor for a dime, much less my current fave. The Bowman Platinum Wright on the second row did cost me a dollar, but it was worth it - the scan does not do the shininess justice.
More Mets:

I have developed some mad respect for Bartolo Colon. He is older than me, he is fatter than me, and he is pitching in the major leagues. You kids can live vicariously through Mike Trout or Jose Abreu, as for me? I am kindred spirits with old Bartolo there.
I found a vein of 1995 Flair cards, so I grabbed all the Mets, alas there are 8 and not 9:

I added the Iooss Hojo card to round out the scan, which kind of fits and also kind of doesn't. The 1995 Flair set is a really nice one. It sort of echoes 1955-56 Topps while at the same time looking both very modern and timeless. I am sorry I missed this one 20 years ago.
More more Mets:

The top row is a nice trio of Mets failures. The middle row has some actual vintage, once again, cards had for a dollar. Any time you can get Choo Choo for a buck, you do it. The bottom row are all cards I am 98% certain I already have but I couldn't pass them up for a dime a piece - one can get on a roll that way.
Saints? Saints.

I like that Drew Brees cards with him shown on Purdue look almost indistinguishable from the ones with him on the Saints.
A few more football cards:

No matter how terrible the Mets are this year, it is still way too early to be thinking about fall and the start of football season. I mean, summer just started. Yes, I am trying to convince myself this is true.
I even nabbed a few hockey and basketball cards, but very few:

Wait, that is a baseball card - no it isn't. That is Trevor Gretzky, Wayne's son. I doubt he will amount to much as a player, but hey, he got a baseball card (his dad never did). You see a few Knicks cards from the heyday of the early 90's. All Knicks fans did back then was complain that they didn't win championships; if only they could see the future when making the playoffs would be a pipe dream.
I didn't buy much Allen and Ginter last year, so when I found a bunch of the non baseball players, I pounced. I mean, there is a Fish card...Fish!

Aside from Abe Vigoda, there are some lovely ladies and Ben Franklin, who would greatly appreciate being included on such a scan.
I am semi-obsessed with that Topps 75 set. It highlights all the non-sports cards Topps has put out over the years and I might just have to invest in the base set. Where else can one find Donkey Kong, Neil Armstrong, Martin Van Buren, and Mulder & Scully?

Also here are some Heritage Flashback cards, including two of the Beatles and one of the Stones. That seems like a proper ratio to me.
I also built some ready made nine pocket pages:

2013 Topps WBC inserts.
2014 Panini Prizm.

I have been burned by this product the last couple years, so I just bought nine of them for a page to be done with it. Same crappy look, same pseudo-chrome design, same no-logos. Get your shit together, Panini.
The aforementioned 1995 Flair:

Remember when early Alex Rodriguez cards were a big deal and not in dime boxes?
2010 Turkey Red retro stars:

These not only look great, I just noticed everyone has their socks looking properly done. This is a great page for that alone. High striped socks forever!
2004 UD Legends basketball:

I saw the World B. Free card of this in one of the dime boxes I scoured and I decided to get him some friends to make a page. I am glad I did this if only to highlight Artis Gilmore's amazing facial hair and expression.
2013-14 Score Hockey Gold:

I found some of these and decided I liked the look of the design and I picked up nine of them. Turns out, this is the gold parallel and not just the base. Works for me.
Speaking of Gold Parallels:

One dealer had a huge block of Topps Gold parallels from all sorts of years, so I grabbed a bunch. I am talking about close to 100. I will spare you the details, you know what these look like.
I was kind of underwhelmed by the high end cards most of the dealers had. Luckily, I was not interested in buying fancy shiny cards. I did find this Drew Brees double jersey card...

...that Drew Storen kind of came with the Drew Brees. The cards were $6 each or 2 for $10. I can't resist a bargain and a 2 for 1 Drew special just seemed right. And of course, I picked up some cards for other bloggers as well. At a dime a piece, it is hard to go wrong with a little altruism.
I had a great time at the show talking to some new collectors and mocking a few Phillies fans. An even better time was had this evening while I figured out the peculiarities of my brother's scanner...

...lucky for me, I had an adorable helper.